Veronika Ebner
Veronika Ebner
Research Associate (pre-doc)
Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Veronika Ebner is a PhD candidate in the Computational Communication Science Lab supervised by Prof. Hajo Boomgarden and co-supervised by Fabienne Lind. She works in the EU-funded CIDAPE project, focusing on climate change communication and political emotions on social media.
Before starting her PhD, she graduated from the Erasmus Mundus Journalism Master Program, where she studied at Aarhus University, Denmark and the University of Amsterdam (UVA), specializing in political communication. Her master’s thesis dealt with effects of solutions journalism about climate change on the motivation to act pro-environmentally friendly. Additionally, she holds two bachelor’s degrees in communication science and history from LMU Munich, where she also worked as a student assistant.
Research interests:
➥ Climate Change Communication
➥ Social Media
➥ Political Communication and Journalism
➥ Computational Text Analysis