Dr. Olga Eisele
© Hanna Möller
Dr. Olga Eisele
Research Associate
Twitter: @olga_eisele
Olga Eisele was a Hertha-Firnberg Scholar and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication. Her research interests are in political communication in the context of European integration, with a special interest in legitimation processes and the relationship and mutual influence of politics and the media.
She obtained her PhD from the University of Vienna in 2017 with a thesis on "The Legitimation of the European Parliament – A Comparative Assessment of Newspaper Contents and Their Effects in Three European Union Member States". The thesis was part of the FWF-funded research project PACE – Parliamentary Communication of Europe at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna where she was a pre-doc researcher from October 2012-August 2016. From June 2017-September 2018, she was affiliated with the University of Siegen (Coordinator) as a post-doctoral research fellow in the H2020 project TransSOL.
From October 2018-September 2022, she was Principal Investigator of the project "Tango on a Tightrope – An Investigation of Media-Politics Dynamics in EU Crisis Management", funded under the Hertha-Firnberg Programme of the Austrian Science Fund, affiliated with the Computational Communication Science Lab at the University of Vienna. The project investigated the mutual influence of politics and the media during ten years of EU crises in Austria, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. A special focus was set on EU crisis management, i.e. communication about different crises in the EU by political executives and the echo and evaluation of executives communication in the news media.
In May 2022, she also joined the MEDem project as a postdoctoral research fellow to support the development of an infrastructure bringing together election studies in Europe. Since September 2022, Olga is an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research in the Program Group Corporate Communication.
You can also follow Olga's research on www.olgaeisele.com.