Hyunjin Song, PhD

Research Associate (Post-Doc)

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Hyunjin (Jin) Song was a post-doc researcher at the Department of Communication. He is now Assistant Professor at Yonsei University in Seoul and remains affiliated with the CCL.

His research interests include the nature and antecedents of interpersonal political discussions and its influence, social and psychological mechanisms of mediated / unmediated message processing and its impact on perception, attitudes, and behaviors. His research also includes statistical modeling and inferences of social network data (ERGM / RSiena) and regression-based linear conditional process models.

He received his Ph.D degree from The Ohio State University (dissertation title: "A dynamic longitudinal examination of social networks and political behavior: The moderating effect of cohesive network structure and its implications for social influence processes").

Find out more about Jin's work here: http://www.hyunjinsong.com/