Showing entries 221 - 234 out of 234
van Klingeren M, Boomgaarden H, de Vreese C. Going soft or staying soft: Having identity factors become more important than economic rationale when explaining euroscepticism? Journal of European Integration. 2013;35(6):689-704. doi: 10.1080/07036337.2012.719506
Bouwman J, Boomgaarden H, Vliegenthart R. Personalisation? Media visibility of politicians and parties in the UK and Netherlands. Political Studies. 2013;61(S1).
Eberl JM, Wagner M, Zeglovits E. Politische TV-Ereignisse umdenken: Zwischen Second Screen und E-merging Media. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. 2013;42:241 - 261. doi: 10.15203/ozp.104.vol42iss3
Elenbaas M, Boomgaarden H, Schuck A, de Vreese C. The Impact of Media Coverage and Motivation on Performance-Relevant Information. Political Communication. 2013;30(1):1-16. doi: 10.1080/10584609.2012.737411
Boomgaarden H, Vliegenthart R, de Vreese C. A world-wide Presidential election: The impact of the media on candidate and campaign evaluations. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 2012;24(1):42-61. doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edr041
Vliegenthart R, Boomgaarden H, van Spanje J. Anti-immigrant party support and media visibility: A cross-party, over-time perspective. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2012;22(3). doi: 10.1080/17457289.2012.693933
Minkenberg M, Boomgaarden H, de Vreese C, Freire A. Introduction: Turkish membership in the European Union: The role of religion. Comparative European Politics. 2012;10(2):133–148. doi: 10.1057/cep.2011.23
Hinrichsen M, Boomgaarden H, de Vreese C, van der Brug W, Hobolt S. Priming Religion: the Effects of Religious Issues in News Coverage on Public Attitudes Towards European Integration. Communications: the European journal of communication research. 2012;37(1):29-54. doi: 10.1515/commun-2012-0002
Boomgaarden H, Wüst A. Religion and party positions towards Turkish EU accession. Comparative European Politics. 2012;10(2):180–197. doi: 10.1057/cep.2011.25
Elenbaas M, de Vreese C, Boomgaarden H, Schuck A. The Impact of Information Acquisition on EU Performance Judgments. European Journal of Political Research. 2012;51(6). doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2012.02055.x
Boomgaarden H, van Spanje J, Vliegenthart R, de Vreese C. Covering the crisis: Media coverage of the economic crisis and citizens' economic expectations. Acta Politica: international journal of political science. 2011;46(4):353–379. doi: 10.1057/ap.2011.18
de Vreese C, Boomgaarden H. Explaining cross-national and over-time patterns in news coverage of European Parliamentary Election. In Handbook of Comparative Communication Research. Sage Publications Ltd. 2011
Schuck A, Azrout R, Boomgaarden H, Elenbaas M, van Spanje J, Vliegenthart R et al. Media visibility and framing of the European Parliamentary Elections 2009: A media content analysis in 27 countries. In Maier M, editor, Political communication in European parliamentary elections. Farnham: Ashgate. 2011. p. 175-198. 11
Hobolt S, van der Brug W, de Vreese C, Boomgaarden H, Hinrichsen M. Religious Intolerance and Euroskeptocism. European Union Politics. 2011;12(3):359-379. doi: 10.1177%2F1465116511404620
Showing entries 221 - 234 out of 234