Links & Resources
The research field of Computational Social Science is flourishing! We here share links and resources for Computational Social Scientists and those to become.
Staying up to date (jobs, news, call for papers)
- Twitter handles to follow: @CompCommLab, @ica_cm, @dgpuk_meth
- Groups & Networks: CCS-net, Computational Social Science Network
- Mailing lists: POLMETH, COMPTEXT, AoIR
Introductory Literature
- Waldherr, A. Hilbert, M. & Gónzalez-Bailón, S. (2021). Worlds of Agents: Prospects of Agent-based Modeling for Communication Research. Communication Methods and Measures, online first.
- Lazer, D. M. J., et al. (2020). Computational social science: Obstacles and opportunities. Science,369(6507), 1060–1062.
- Theocharis, Y. & Jungherr, A. (2020). Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication. Political Communication, online first.
- Hilbert, M., et al. (2019). Computational Communication Science: A Methodological Catalyzer for a Maturing Discipline. International Journal of Communication, 13, 3912-3934.
- van Atteveldt, W., & Peng, T. Q. (2018). When communication meets computation: Opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls in computational communication science. Communication Methods and Measures, 12(2-3), 81-92.
- Boumans, J. W. & Trilling, D. (2016). Taking Stock of the Toolkit. Digital Journalism, 4(1), 8-23.
- Grimmer, J., & Stewart, B. (2013). Text as Data: The Promise and Pitfalls of Automatic Content Analysis Methods for Political Texts. Political Analysis, 21(3), 267-297.
Textbooks & Handbooks
- Engel, U., et al. (2022). Handbook of Computational Social Science. Routledge.
- Kim, J. Y. (2021). Computational Thinking for Social Scientists.
- Van Atteveld, W., Trilling, D. & Arcila, C. (2021). Computational Analysis of Communication: A practical introduction to the analysis of texts, networks, and images with code examples in Python and R.
Online Resources & Tutorials
- Quanteda Initiative R package quanteda with examples and tutorials
- CSS Amsterdam R course material for Communication Science
- SICSS Online Learning Materials for Computational Social Science
- UCCSS University of California: Computational Social Science
- Different R packages for social media data analysis by Pablo Barbera (incl. tutorials)
- qsslearnr: Interactive Tutorials for Quantitative Social Science by Matt Blackwell
- Teaching Resources for Courses on Computational Text Analysis by Theresa Gessler
- CSS Pod: PodCast about Computational Social Science
- GESIS Capacity Building in Computational Social Science
- SAGE Ocean Teaching Materials for Computational Social Science
- APIs for social scientists Online book with a review of useful APIs for CSS
- R for the rest of us: Free R courses for different levels
- DOCA - Database of Variables for Content Analysis: Open Access Database for compiling, systematizing, and evaluating content-analytical variables
- Learn R for free: Website with free resources to learn R
- Introduction to Agent-based Modeling: online course by Santa Fe Institute
- Fundamentals of NetLogo: online course by Santa Fe Institute
- Simulation and modeling of natural processes: online course by the University of Geneva (UNIGE)
- ACTiSS - Action for Computational Thinking in Social Sciences: online course on CSS
Schools & Workshops
- BIGSSS Summer Schools in Computational Social Science
- BEHAVE-ESSA Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling for Social Scientists
- SICSS Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
- ESS Essex Summer School
- ECPR Summer School
- NCRM/Exeter Computational Communication Spring School
- MethodsNET Summer School in Social Research Methods
- Methods divisions at social science conferences like ICA or EPSA
- COMPTEXT Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data
- IC2S2 International Conference on Computational Social Science
- COMPLEX NETWORKS International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications
- ICSIIS International Conference on Social Informatics and Information Society
- Annual Conference on New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data
- ESSA Social Simulation Conference of the European Social Simulation Association
- NetSci conferences of the Network Science Society