The Computational Communication Science Lab (CCL) is an interdisciplinary research network at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna headed by Annie Waldherr and Hajo Boomgaarden. We aim to advance our understanding of various antecedents, processes, and consequences of mediated/unmediated communication behaviors on human attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors using computational approaches in a social science framework. In particular, we seek to advance various fields of communication science such as journalism and political communication through the use of computerized tools and algorithms for collecting, processing, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale, complex data.

The goal of CCL is to facilitate the development and application of computational methods through excellence in empirical research and advancement of novel theoretical and methodological perspectives. The research focus of our group includes areas such as (but are not limited to) computer-assisted content analysis, semi/fully automated textual data processing, topic modeling, information visualization, inferential network analysis, and computational modeling of communication behaviors.

APA-UNIVIE Data Project: Members of the University of Vienna now have the possibility to obtain data for scientific use from the media archive of the Austria Press Agency (APA), directly via an Application Programming Interface (API). CCL acts as an intermediary contact point between members of the University of Vienna and the APA. Get in touch if you have any questions on the API and check out our dedicated webpage with information of the application procedure. 



Communication Methods and Measures published a paper by Fabienne Lind, Maria Gruber and Hajo G. Boomgaarden on their website!


Journalism Studies published a paper by Petro Tolochko and Hajo G. Boomgaarden on their website!


Esther Greussing presented first results from her dissertation-project in Odense!


We want to congratulate our lab member Jakob-Moritz! He has successfully defended his thesis.


We will present our newest research at the EPSA sections of Political Behaviour, Elections and Parties.


The Journal of Communication accepted a paper by Jin Song and Hajo G. Boomgaarden!