Pre-Election: CCL and AUTNES Political Retweet Network #NRW17


Download the report and explore the retweet network of parties and politicians.

How do politicians behave on Twitter? Who retweets whom? Do Parties retweet one another? Which accounts play a central role in this process? And why is this interesting?
In this interactive report, we're looking at a Twitter network, more precisely, a so-called retweet network of politicians and political parties during the Austrian Parliamentary election campaign 2017.

Retweets are interesting to investigate because they tend to be used as endorsements (although not always). A network-analytical investigation of the Austrian political retweet network may thus tell you a lot about intra- and inter-party relations. But it's best if you take a look for yourself!

Enjoy reading the report (in German) and explore our interactive network!


This report has been brought to you by the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) as well as the Computational Communication Science Lab.


And feel free to send us your feedback!