New publication: Emotions in misinformation studies


Congrats to Jula Lühring, Apeksha Shetty, and Annie Waldherr on publishing a new article in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications!

Our lab members Jula Lühring, Apeksha Shetty and Annie Waldherr recently published a paper in the psychological journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications together with their EMOMIS project team at the Complexity Science Hub. They replicated and extended a study by Martel et al. to shed light on the question whether emotions affect susceptibility to misinformation. In short: they found that people are not per se more susceptible to false news when they’re in a more emotional mood. But participants do feel different emotions after reading true and false news stories, and what one and the same emotional reaction (say anger) means depends on their beliefs about the topic.


The abstract:

Prior studies indicate that emotions, particularly high-arousal emotions, may elicit rapid intuitive thinking, thereby decreasing the ability to recognize misinformation. Yet, few studies have distinguished prior affective states from emotional reactions to false news, which could influence belief in falsehoods in different ways. Extending a study by Martel et al. (Cognit Res: Principles Implic 5: 1–20, 2020), we conducted a pre-registered online survey experiment in Austria (N = 422), investigating associations of emotions and discernment of false and real news related to COVID-19. We found no associations of prior affective state with discernment, but observed higher anger and less joy in response to false compared to real news. Exploratory analyses, including automated analyses of open-ended text responses, suggested that anger arose for different reasons in different people depending on their prior beliefs. In our educated and left-leaning sample, higher anger was often related to recognizing the misinformation as such, rather than accepting the false claims. We conclude that studies need to distinguish between prior affective state and emotional response to misinformation and consider individuals’ prior beliefs as determinants of emotions.

Find the full open-access paper here:

Cite article: 

Lühring, J., Shetty, A., Koschmieder, C., Garcia, D., Waldherr, A., & Metzler, H. (2024). Emotions in misinformation studies: distinguishing affective state from emotional response and misinformation recognition from acceptance. Cogn. Research 9(82).