Starting in 2019, Hajo Boomgaarden, supported by Olga Eisele and a PhD student, will lead a new project funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank. Congratulations!
The research project "Tango on a Tightrope: An Investigation of Media-Politics Dynamics in Austrian EU Crisis Management" takes the Austrian EU presidency as a case in point to investigate the relationship of media and politics in Austria over 10 years of ongoing EU crises. The analysis of this Tango is theoretically embedded in the concept of mediatization as well as agenda-setting and framing. In addition, the project borrows from crisis management research to assess the mutual influence of media and politics and the quality of the political management of EU crises. Press releases will serve to investigate the crisis communication of ‘crisis managers’ at European and national level (executive actors, e.g. Austrian government, European Commission); in addition, a wide range of media contents (national and regional newspapers, TV) is included. All data is generated and analysed using automated methods. The project will be running over a period of two years.